Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Most Horror films start with "The"

The weather is surprisingly good today but uunfortunately im not out enjoying it. Ive come to a bit of a standstill with my college work.(Mostly because i'm too lazy to do anymore)  So i ended up coming to the same place i always do - The Internet! Where else to go when your bored ,lazy and away from friends. No dought ill end up watching a film, i think i'll watch the "the morgue". The title is quite morbid but intriguing enough to make me want to watch it. I noticed most horror films start with "the". For example... "The Unborn" ,"The others", "The strangers" ,"The uninvited" and so on. Maybe the film companies think its dramatic and striking...i just think it's over done.

At the moment I'm sitting on my bed listening to kings of Leon still debating what to do with my day. i  could always wright more of my fanfiction. I don't think i have ever finished a story. I can start it off , right the middle but never the end. Every time i wright the ending it always ends up cheesy and stupid or in some desperate cases ihave the main character wake up from a dream. And i had the cheek to call the "The" in horror film titles over done! At the moment I'm writing a Harry Potter fanficton. Over the past 4 months Ive managed to wright about 3 chapters. I would say that was good going but to normal people thats just rubbish.

Monday 11 October 2010

Back to the Future

Wednesday the 6th of October was one of the highlight of my life. Ive lived to see a millennium but  never did i think id get the opportunity to Back to the future in the cinema.
Here is the proof.
Back to the Future has away been epic but seeing it in today's crisp, HD cinema screens with surround sound and a bucket of sweet in my hand has made it that little bit more awesome! For a brief moment I'd gone back to the 80's (Not that Ive ever lived through the 80's) and it was guuuurd. I advise you to go see this just so you can tell your grandchildren "I went to see back to the future in the cinema". Trust me it will be worth it.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Photo manipulation day

So much too do so little time! College has been draining away all my precious Internet time and so i haven't updated at all this month and only once last month. I'm afraid my loyalty too blogger seems to be slipping . Today I've been working with imedia on the apple macs trying to work them out and some how come up with a professional looking postcard. I really have no idea how they expect to show us an apple mac (tat some of us have never used before) and some how we'll just be able to know exactly what we're doing. I mean Jesus! we've only had about 4 lecture on the new software! Anyway despite Gary's (my lecturer) ridiculous expectations of us I've somehow managed to sort of work them out. Even my photo manipulation is getting slightly better.

Yeah well i did say slightly better! Morphing my head onto bettie page's body without making it look too shit is a starting point.

There's a colored version but it'ss highly more unconvincing.Anyway that's basically what my day has been about today.  Ill leave it there as I'm popping over to Ricky Gervais's site to have a read o his blog. Probably a lot more entertaining than mine.

Here is my other work if you're ever bored enough...

Friday 17 September 2010

Hannahs World

KAWABUNGA PIECE OF DIAREA SHIT IN MY MOUTH! i haven't updated in FOREVER! I don't even have an excuse. It would make more sense for me not to be updating now as I'm back in college and have been thrown homework from every lecturer! Its unreal how many artists i have to research and you know what ? they are all utter bollocks!! We have to study the likes of Gunther von Hagen the mental German psychopath and Tracy Emin the woman who is famous for putting a bed in an art gallery. Its ridiculous!!!! how are these people considered artists!! Anyway i think I've probably had this rant before billions of times and I'm not going to start of a new batch of blog updates on a bad note...

So whats been going on in Hannah's world...
Well like i said I'm back in college after a very long brake for the summer holidays. Id like to say its good to be back but at the moment its not looking to great. Maybe its just getting back into a routine that's annoying or the fact we're still doing loads of modern art bollocks that i never have any time for . I suppose its nice to see my friends again but i think i need a change of scenery. The quicker i get into uni (if i do get in that is) the better!
What else is new...
oh yeah it was my birthday a few weeks ago and I'm now 18. I know I'm basically old and grey now. I can legally get myself some good ol' alcohol but really the fact that I'm allowed to do drink really takes the fun out of it.
Next week I'm of to London for the weekend for my birthday present. London tattoo convention here i come! Should be fun.

Monday 26 July 2010

Animal i have become

Well i think its about time i had another update.  As you can see Ive been busy drawing a poster from Harry potter 6 using a grid. (Before you say using a grid is cheating Michelangelo and davinci used grids so there!!) Anyway Ive almost finished now. Sorry about the crap quality in this picture , it was taken with my 2 mega pixel camera so it looks a tad shaiiit. Ive been working on this the past 2 nights while watching TV. I came across this film  - "Guest House Parediso" Staring Rik mayall . It was hilarious i think it must be added to my favourite films collection.

Another thing Ive been doing this week is writing fan fictions. The one I'm writing wright now is a Harry potter fan fiction based around the time of the marauders. I have an idea about where its going to go but the hard part is writing it all out so ill just see how it goes. Basically its about Remus/Sirius although ive only written one chapter and its more of an introduction and doesn't really have much to do with the plot.
Anyway here is the link...

Sunday 18 July 2010

Weird people

I've finally finished this drawing Ive been doing for a competition. I only found out about this the other day so Ive been rushing in the last couple of days to get it finished. It might possibly be the only drawing Ive ever finished in my life because i always get bored and leave a bit.

I'm really not happy with the top half of the picture and its annoying me! I don't know how to put it right ...I'm half lying i actually cant be bothered to change it because it would mean fussing around with a camera again so that's the way its staying whether i like it or not! hmmph
I like the roses and hair so maybe that will be enough to divert the attention away from the head. Not for you people who are reading this though because Ive already pointed out the flaws. *facepalm*

Today i went shopping in mcarthur glen and i got stopped by a man selling windows.  I just looked at him and said "naaah your alright mate Ive got windows" and walked away. I had a strong feeling his mate dared him to go up to me because he had a weird smirk on his face when he was talking (that did freak me out a bit) and when i walked away his friend said "waaaaaaay".  Boys are weird.

Speaking of weird that is nothing compared to the bus incident! I had a lovely day in town Saturday minding my own business and strolled onto the bus at the end of the day. I took a seat next to the window, put my ipod on and relaxed. After a while of tuneage i decided to take a look out the window an- WTF!!!!!! There was a fat ginger man (must have been in his 40s) standing there inches away from the window staring right at me. He didn't say anything or do anything...he just stood there staring. As you can imagine i was a little freaked out by this and didn't really know what to do. I just looked away and hoped the bus would start or he would get bored and bugger off! After about 10 minnuits i got pissed and thought if hes still there looking at me I'm going to ask him what the hell his problem is. I looked back at him. He then began to walk backwards perfectly straight until turning a corner (still walking backwards) and disappearing behind a wall.
Swansea....never go there.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Saturday 10 July 2010


Today i went into town to see the newest addition to the twilight saga , Eclipse. hmmm well my opinion wasn't very high because it was a cheese fest full of endless bullshit and depressingly slow dialog! I wasn't exactly blown over with excitement over the first two films but this really took the biscuit for shitest film. The whole thing was like watching a spoof and i could not take it seriously. I found myself laughing at how poorly acted and directed the film was and also at Jasper's new found accent.(i swear he didn't have that accent before) After watching the film and reading the book i couldn't tell you what happened at all in the story plot. There was nothing really of importance or anything remotely interesting that happened through the 2 hours of footage.

This whole love triangle isn't very realistic. Why cant she just find someone who is not a mythological creature and stick with him. If not that at least stay with Edward! There's no need to be a total whore about it and fall in love with a werewolf as well. (Even if that werewolf is impossibly clingy) Why did she randomly make out with jacob? Was there any need for that? Was that proving anything? Helllo!!! your going out with Edward and hes standing right there! What's wrong with you!

To be honest it doesn't seem like Bella knows what she wants. shes against the idea of marriage then she wants to get married . She loves her family and life but she wants to be a vampire. She loves Jacob yet she loves Bella. Maybe it would be a good idea for her to take a nice long break away from everyone and clear her head before she makes any rash decisions like being murdered then turned into a vampire...just a suggestion. Personally i wouldn't pick either of them. They're both more trouble than they're worth!

Despite hating this film with a burning Passion and forcing myself to read the books , twilight has always given me something to laugh about. Mostly the cliche things Edward comes out with make me giggle the most. I also quite like jasper , Rosalie and Alice as characters. They are the most interesting characters in the whole thing and i think the films should look more on they're story's instead of going on and on about the unconvincing romance of Bella and Edward. Who actually cares!!

So this is supposed to be a must see for people who have grown up watching potter? This is what twi-hards are saying beats potter? Stephanie meyer is a better writer than J.K Rowling? *laughs unconvincingly loud* Dear me, I'm afraid there is no competition. I do feel even the  potter films reach the top of the cheese meter at points but at least you get a warm hearted feeling and develop a  love for the characters. I bloody hate the twilight characters, especially Bella as she constantly has a look of concern on her face...even at happy moments. So yeah sorry but twilight is a very big phase that will eventually pass while potter will be passed down to generation after generation and remembered for years to come.

Oh well maybe i didn't waste my £5 and sit through a painless 2 hour film for nothing. At least i got to see an advert for Leonardo Di caprio's new film, Inception. Now that's what I'm talking about!

Friday 9 July 2010

Today i made a bag.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Making the marauders map (part 1)

Ive been in a very creative mood recently. I don't know if this is because I'm bored or because I've spent a year taking an art course and now i cant stop! I think it's more likely that I'm just very bored. So anyway i decided to recreate the Marauders map from the film. I fist needed  to create the map. This was the hardest part of the whole thing! One of the marauders must have been a master of origami or something because its damn impossible to fold. I tried to keep everything neat but failed miserably because i kept making mistakes. Basically you need one middle piece and 7 folded pieces coming from either end. I used 3 A3 pieces of paper and clued them together. From there i just kind of went with the flow and started gluing on pieces here and there trying to make them match up and to tell you the truth it was a blood nightmare. If you haven't made it before just look at images of the map on google and just try and create it how you see it. This is what i did . Don't worry if you screw up because i must have got through a whole tree before i eventually got the right size and shape.

If you were truly blessed and managed to make the map without needing therapy or anger management - give yourself a nice pat on the back. Because your a fucking genius. Any way moving onto the messy bit. Now you need to make the map look all old so its time to drink allot of tea and coffee. You know what you gotta do ;)

Okay so all that's dry , now you have to iron it all out until its quite thin and flat.
Right once you've done that you can now put that too one side. Next grab a piece of tracing paper and go to the link...


You'll need to flip this image over horizontally in paint then print the image out and trace it. If you don't have a printer at home then just go to the link , flip the image over into paint.blow the screenup to 340% and then just trace from your screen. If you do what i did and forget to flip the image over don't panic! You can still transfer the image you just traced out by covering the back of the tracing paper in pencil, then placing the tracing paper pencil side down onto the map then tracing over the image again! Confused yet?

right so if you've traced the image properly then just place the tracing paper onto the marauders map. The image you just traced must be facing the map. Now secure this in place with a few paper clips so it doesn't move about. Now all you need to do is get a thick pencil and go over everything. Just go crazy! This will then print a guideline onto our map. Don't worry if it's messy and looks utter shaiit because this is just your template.

When your done it should look something like this >
Of course you can try and draw the image onto the map free style but i highly advise that you don't. If you trace it the outcome will look far more professional and in balance.

Right so the next step happens to be my favourite because its fun fun fun!! You will need...

  • Red ink
  • Calligraphy pen
  • a lot of patience
  • a steady hand

Right now you need to go over the template in ink. I used Winsor & Newton - Deep Red ink and a calligraphy pen made out of Italian glass from monico(but you don't need to be so picky any calligraphy pen will do ;) )

Remember to blot your pen so you don't get loads of gloopy red dots everywhere. Be patient and take your time with every small little detail to get the best result.

Right so the cover is finally done, Now all that's left is the inside but that my friends is for another day. So long for now.

Sunday 4 July 2010

Margam park

Today i went to the magical world of Margam park. Okay so it may not have wizards , owls and an assortment of other magical items like the American theme park but jeeez at least its a real castle! I've been here a few times before ( the last time i went to a stone convention....don't ask) but this time i decided to take a few pictures. The whole building is gorgeous i wanted to pack my bag and move in . Because the dog show was on there was millions of dogs aboot as well. Dogs aren't my favourite animal but i have to admit some of them were pretty cute. I also found a woman that created jewellery from coins.(i shit you not) she literally carved into coins with a small saw. The detail was amazing. I looked at her collection of coins and found that she'd carved a stag in one of the coins. (Naturally this made me think of James Potter)


Wednesday 30 June 2010

Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer

Alas! i now know how to put YouTube videos on blogger and what better video to start of with that the new film trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows. I know that the film doesn't come out in another 141 days , 13 hours 50 Minuit's and 31 seconds thanks to mugglenet.com but i still cant help getting over excited about the new film!

At the momment im watching the mugglecast analisis of the trailer
Waw talk about reading to much into things!
 Funny though and yeah Voldys mouth does look like an old woman with no teeth. X]
Looking at the philosophers stone trailer and then looking at the deathly hallows trailer is pretty weird. Whats happened to the happy little theme tune, cheesy yet cute moment and the odd sarcastic comments from Ron? Now I'm watching Harry looking less than pleased walking up to voldy who then waps out his wand trying to kill him in the ruble of what was once Hogwarts! I don't think Ive ever seen so many distraught expressions in one trailer (specially from Ron)
Thankgod this is in 2 parts, if it was all in one i think id have to run out the cinema in tears.
It's like voldy has took a shit on part of my childhood!!
Despite giving me a nervous brake down i do think the film looks amazing.
Accio November!

Monday 28 June 2010

Ill in bed

So last night wasn't very pleasant, i woke up and was sick repeatedly! I'm not lying in bed , everything hurts and my head is spinning. I now have neighbour on the tv to cheer me up though and after that I'll read a bit of Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. Cowincadently they mentioned potter in neighbours...spooky. Sometimes i wish i had an Australian accent (helloe), although id never live there just think of the amount of spiders they have there. I freak out if i find the smallest of spiders crawling around the place. It's the way they move around with they're un-naturally long legs. Some of them move really fast as well witch just gives me the creeps completely!! For example the other day i was flying a toy plane but i accidentally flew it under the cabinet , next thing i know this spider runs out and takes cover under the fridge. I froze and dropped the plane controls then ran out the room. That's some scary shit right there. 

Oh my an advert for the new Harry potter Lego just came on TV. I must get this game but have you seen the prise? I'm sorry but there is no way i am going to pay £35.99 for a game that will come down to a tenner in a few months. I think the best plan is to just wait for that because xbox games are ridiculously prised when they first come out. That's why i only have a few games. Not like the good old PlayStation/2 days where you could get a game for under £15.

Don't you hate it when neighbours does weird little things to spice up the tv show. For example watching somebodies dream. I don't think Eastenders would ever cut to someones dream or audio people thoughts. Hollyoaks would, hollyoaks is mad...but of course it has the best theme tune.

Okay i'm getting extra dizzy now so I'm going to go.
Goodbye :^D

Friday 25 June 2010

Habibi Dancing

As well as yesterday being my results day it was also my 3rd lesson at habibi dancing. (Belly dancing) The lessons are going really well and it's allot of fun but dear me it's hard work! I had a different teacher yesterday named Julian. She was allot slower with the moves so i could pick them up quicker where as Ann, my usual teacher, just puts me in at the deep end and tells me to follow everyone else. Honestly I'm like  a fish out of water i tell ya! Anyway despite this i think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Obviously I'm still awful at it but ill get there in the end. I had the bloody music in my head all day after the lesson . It reminds me  of being in an Indian restaurant. I think I'll treat myself to going to an Indian restaurant this week for getting my results back. Sounds like a good plan to me.

My College Results [year 1]

Yesterday i forgot to mention how my results went. Let me just give you a list of how the marking scheme works in art before i continue...

Distinction - Best mark you can possibly get.
Merit - Good but there is room for improvement
Passbasic amount of work
No mark - shit

I have 8 different art classes and  i got 5 Distinctions and 3 Merits. I don't like to brad *scoffs* but I'm pretty damn chuffed about that.Looks like all the hard work finally payed off. Gill was very pleased and it looks like my 1st year has gone surprisingly well. I'm off for a 2 month break until coming back to the havoc of getting work in on time, sketching like a machine , painting at 2am and worrying if Gill is going to kill me the next day. Naaah its not that bad, could be worse.....i could be in school 0_o *shivers*

Discover the hidden meaning in your name.

I went on this website that is supposed to tell you the "true meaning of your name" something to do with astrologie and the sounds your name. *shrug* i don't know. Any way wapped my name in the box too see what would come up...
    Hannah Falvey 
With a fine mind and gifted in speech you prefer to use intelligence to get things done and are always eager to learn. Your seemingly amiable and conservative manner subtly masks your ability to achieve results. Humanitarian and freedom loving you are admired by others for your intellect, wit and true friendship. With robust health and an attraction for new experiences you are sure to enjoy a most rewarding life.
From Reading that i can say that that is complete bollocks! If anything it probably describes the opposite of who i am. "Fine mind" , "Gifted in speech" , "prefers to use intelligence to get things done"? Are they 'avin a laugh?! If you too would like to do this pointless exercise click here.

Michael Jackson

Today is the 25th of June 2010 witch makes it a whole year since the death of Michael Jackson. I miss Michael  but cant help feeling slightly relieved in some ways. I felt sorry for him towards the end as his life seemed to be one big circus. Him being in the public eye from such a young age cant have been a good thing for him because he had no way of escaping and every single thing he did would be watched by millions of people and exploited by newspapers and magazines. I don't personally know Michael Jackson but from what Ive seen i think he was genuinely a nice person that just wanted to find happiness. I will personally remember him for the amazing music he's created over the years and not for anything else. As much as i love Michael Jackson i think its only fair to remember him as a legendary King of pop and finally let the him rest in piece.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Full Moon

Have you seen the Moon tonight? I'm memorized by it. The moon is so pretty that  Ive shifted over and put my laptop on the window so i can look at it all night - I'm rather sad i know. I'm also telling everyone else to look out they're window. I find it funny how we're all in different places yet were all looking at the same thing. Little things like this amuse my small mind.

I took a picture but you cant really see anything other than a small dot of light, To me from where I'm sitting it's allot clearer.  There's something about looking at the moon that makes me happy i don't know what it is. Full moons should be around more frequently i reckon. I don't know who I'm debating this too mind you. To my knowledge humans aren't capable of controlling the moon just yet. Also i don't thing Remus Lupin would be too happy about having a full moon more often. I'm sorry for all werewolves at home reading this. Although if you are a werewolf its unlikely you'll be reading this right now. *point too full moon* You'll probably be in the woods looking for things to kill or whatever it is a werewolf does.

Results day!

So it's finally Thursday morning. Today (according to Claire) is result day at college for us BTEC Fine Art students. I hope this is true because I'm dying to know how i did and i don't feel like waiting 2 and a half months o find out! I'm not so much worried as i am excited because i know Ive done pretty much all that my lecturers have asked me too do. *shrugs* i guess ill just have to find out in the next few hours. I'll update later to spill the beans on what happened. I just hope we don't have this huge interview type thing with Gill because i can only go "uh huh" "right" "yeah" "mmmmmm" and nod my head for a short amount of time before i end up looking like a dick! Anyway God look at the time i need to get ready and piss off ,I'm sure Gill wont appreciate me being late. Hannah Out!

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Watching TV

Right so I've wapped the TV on and i found Elf was on. Elf? in June? I'm not exactly in the Christmas mood especially since its so hot outside! What the hell is film4 thinking? I cant watch this, i want to watch a film about summer time and holidays and so on. Saying this Christmas isn't that far away if you think about it. Christmas was half a year ago now...didn't that go very fast...Well before we know it another half of the year will have gone and BAM!! it's Christmas again! This however doesn't give film4 the right to shove elf on in the middle of June. Watching this is actually depressing me because Christmas is the best time of the year...aww Will Ferrel looks cute as an elf though....oh bloody hell i remember that talking snow man with shades and a  mustache! Okay that's just ruined the whole thing for me now *switches over*
Okay lets see here what else is on....


Jesus Christ nobody toled me about this being on. Should be good for a laugh.
 hmmmm i wonder what its like to be Dappy...i'm so glad they made this show so i can find out.

...Bloody adverts *waits for adverts to Finnish*
Oh wait here we go it's on.
So today N-DubZ is promoting they're new book and the N-Dublets(i shit you not that's what they call they're fans) are all queueing up to get it signed.
God its so emotional....people are reduced to tears. I do feel they're pain , i would cry too if i bumped into dappy.
Okay so Dappy and the other guy are "penning" each other with a sharpie...*sigh* ¬_¬ why am i watching this. I cant even understand what they are saying with all this young person Lingo!
Now Dappy is arguing with the referee in football and calling him a "lowlife plonker" because hes a stupid little ARSE HOLE!! Okay i just cant go on with this programme his face is just annoying me.... *switches over*

Eisteddfod yr urdd

For those of you who are not welsh or didn't have to suffer through the Eisteddfod let me just clarify what exactly it is. The Eisteddfod is this huge get to gethor of welsh speakers and welsh speaking schools. Individuals ,  choirs and schools go head to head to compete in different competitions. These competitions can be reading a poem , acting out a drama , singing and things like that. As well as competitions there allot of stalls , activity's things to that effect all scatters around a large field. The welsh channel S4C makes this huge big deal about it and shows the whole thing on TV. Schools on the other hand (including my school) makes an even bigger deal about the whole thing and makes us join "adran yr urdd" or Welsh speaking club to me and you. This of course costs money. I personally hated this events and found it a big waste of time because i never liked speaking welsh. I can speak welsh fluently because i went to a welsh nursery , primary and comp. What i didn't like about speaking welsh was the fact that we were always forced to speak welsh and that it was a school rule that we were not aloud to speak English. Of course this just made me want to speak English even more.  *sigh* at least now its something positive to wright on the CV but growing up i wasn't amused by welsh because it just confused me even more. Any way back to the point i am watching this on TV at the moment and it just bring back allot of memories of me being there doing all  these humiliating competitions. Makes me feel i made the right decision in leaving school and going to an English speaking college! ...Escaped it eventually

The golden snidget

So i thought I'd take a trip to www.Thewhompingwillow.com where they have all these name generators for beasts , elves and famous wizards and witches. I took the magical beast name generator thing and my name came up as "Glumbumble - The glumbumble is a grey, fury bodied flying insect that produces a melancholy-inducing tracle" I just thought that was such a great word. AS you may know by looking at my user name "hinkypunk" i do like names with a certain pizazz to them!

Of course i didn't just stop there i got loads of names such as the Jobberknoll , chizpurfle , nundu , golden snidget....Wait a second....Golden snidget? are they 'aving a laugh?! There are these things coming from anyway i don't remember all this in the book! That's it i have to look up this "Golden snidget"

"The golden snitch was originaly not a ball, but a little bird called a Golden snidget. It was introduced in 1269 when the chief of the wizarding council, Barberus Bragge, unleashed a golden snidget during a quidditch match, offering a reward of 159 galleons (now worth over a million galleons) to the player who caught the snidget.

150 points were given tot he team that caught the snidget. The snidget catching craze naturally harmed the birds population(as snidgets are very fragile birds , and a simple human grip is enough to crush them to death.)

A replacement for the Golden snidget was sought, and the skilled metal-charmer bowman wright invented the golden snitch to replace it" - Harry potter wiki

Well...now we know. This really is what i call reading between the lines of the story. Is this stuff official is what i want to know. It's official enough to be on Harry Potter wiki so that's good enough for me.


So it's day 2 of College Holidays and it has to be said I'm not feeling in a very holiday mood. It's more about killing time than savoring the moment really. For example today i went for a walk and didn't come back until the end of the day just so id have something to do! I did however manage to make a quick stop at the job center to see if there's any more jobs going.(Ive become quite the regular in the job center) There wasn't much there really, There was a job as an Avon lady a cleaner and a telesales person. All jobs didn't fit around my college sheduel . I did manage to get my Asda application form in so hopefully ill be hearing from them...I better had any way otherwise i just might go a little bit insane. Anyway enough about jobs and money lets get to the fun stuff!

So because I'm off college for a ridiculous amount of time I'm going to be drawing and writing more. I haven't written any fan fictions in ages and one is well over due. I just need an idea, some inspiration of some kind. But where....This is the question. I haven't written much but most of my fan fictions are on mibba , some of them i wrote when i was 15. I love writing but the problem is I'm quite shit at it. I cant form sentences to make sense and my spelling is always wrong and i use too many adjectives because i don't know what else to wright. *shrugs* At least i cant understand what I'm on about...or maybe i should read over what i wright...naah the day is too short for that!

In other news...

I know I know, big brother is a terrible show that makes untalented people famous for no respectable reason. It's also just a big joke that makes fun of people and tries to make hosemates argue with one another just to keep us entertained. Despite all this ...i cant stop watching it. I'm afraid I'm hooked! I'm sorry but hey, if i enjoy watching it i don't see why i shouldn't. At the end of the day nobodies forcing the housemates to take part in any of this and if you don't like it , don't watch it. Simple as that. As well as loving the new series I've developed a bit of a girl crush on one of the housemates. I love shabby i thinks shes awesome not to mention, hot.

mood Relaxed

music Johnny and mary - Placebo Cover

Friday 18 June 2010

Final piece

Today was slightly epic. Ive been locked up in a room all day with 3 other friends racing against the clock to finish my final piece. It's been hectic , mad and i didn't think i was going to Finish it all but at long last everything went to plan and i was able to escape that textiles prison.

At 1:50pm today we were toled that the finals had to be in at 2:00pm. You can imagine the panicked look on our faces as we looked at our half finished work lying on the table. I myself rushed to the sewing machine and just began putting everything together in one mad rush! I then grabbed any piece of paper and began writing my evaluation as quick as possible. Of course we never made the dead line of 2:00pm instead it was half an hour late but there you go.

For my final i decided to make a lino print. This is what i carved into a piece of lino. This took me 5 whole hours sitting there without a brake chiseling away at a piece of plastic. My fingers are all cut and bloody and my eyes are out of focus but of course it's worth it....right?

I personally have no idea how i managed to carve into that thing, You have no idea how tough it is and i know from experience that the blade is fairly Sharpe!
So this is the end result. A big sheet with prints all over it. It was ne'er impossible keeping the thing clean as there was ink all over my hands , clothes and face. Not to mention all over the table and smothered onto newspaper. You should have seen the mes when i attempted to clean everything into the sink, It honestly looked like id been caught in an oil slick!!
So that's it , my first year at Gorseinon College , Done! And what an interesting year it has been, Certainly better than my 5 years at Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr (comp). I wouldn't have stayed in that bloody place for any amount of money! I didn't care what college i was going to as long as it was far away from there. So it's been a year since my GCSE's which was Probably the worst part of my life in education. All through comp you think you cant get any shitter than you already are because your all treated like some stupid child! That is 1 reason from a very big list of reasons i went to college and didn't stay in school but that story is for another day, for now lets get back to the point...
It's hard to believe I've been in college for a whole year but at the same time it's weird because it feels like Ive known my college friends allot longer . Looking back i suppose it has been a long time and it has been pretty fun at times. So i have another whole year in college so there's no point getting all teary eyed and sentimental just yet folkes, there's still a load more college shenanigans to come.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Harry Potter Wand

Okay so this isn't a normal thing for a 17 year old girl to be doing but in my defence i never led anyone on by calling myself normal. Instead of wondering the streets ,getting off my face drinking anything containing alcohol , crawling into bed wearing a face full of foundation and the word "wanker" scribbled in sharpie on my forehead ...I am making a wand! Yes a wand. No wizard or witch can do without one and besides i think Dumbledore will be proud...god rest his soal.

When I'm let loose with paper a glue gun and paint this is what happens. In fairness i don't think Ive done a bad job. At least i didn't go into my garden , pick up a twig and color it in with crayons. Now that's what i call madness!0_o

I don't think i talk about harry potter enough on this blog so i decided to throw everyone in at the deep end and portray my mad obsession in the form of a wand. After gluing the whole thing together i had a thought that it would have been better to put feathers into it. Of course by the time i had this rare brain wave it was too late. Oh well there's always next time. This though also got me thinking. If i was in fact on my way to Hogwarts what sort of wand would i get given.

Well i think the core of mine would be a Runespoor fang 'cous its best for dark magic and I'd like mine to be ebony wood. There sorted! Mind you Olivander has nothing on me :^D

This isn't the first time ive got all creative and made some Harry potter merch of my own. Are you loving the Snape merchandise?I'll be opening my own Snape shop at this rate.

Anyway i'm off to read some good ol' James/Lily FanFiction...oh sorry snape my bad!

Monday 31 May 2010

So it was another bright sunny day in Swansea so me and my best friend decide to go into Tsco , buy some pens and food, sit on the grass and draw on each other...like you do.

Of course the pens where being right fools and running out ever two seconds! Good job i got two of them but the other onesoon ran out as well! arrgh

Note to self : Never buy inky pens agin they just run out withing seconds of buying them!

Atleastethe food was too a higher quality. Purple Grapes and Onion Bhaji wraps...Heaven.

We "googled" random picture and got cracking! Took me a while but we had the angry protesting kids running around with big sign saying "free weed" to keep us company. Not to mention the lovely view of McDonald's , Castle Gardens and of course my personally favourite the famous BT building. Plus we were constantly being eaten alive by ants crawling up my trousers and eating left over food! One ant i can handle but when he bring his friends and family it gets ridiculous!

As well as having the help of a shit Tesco's pen , Sharpies came to the rescue. Good ol' Sharpies! I always have a mental image of David Beckham and Frankie Munez when i think of Sharpies. My favourite Sharpie is the turquoise Sharpie but that's slightly off subject. I wanted to Color the eyes in black but that would have taken literally all day and probably have given my friend ink poisoning by the end of it. Some might say its worth it!
As well as me giving My friend a pen Tattoo she gave me one. And here it is. You may already know but this is a cartoon of Karl Pilkington.Not bad i must say , she has the roundness of his head spot on. Karl pilkinton always gets me pondering life's questions that i wouldent normally ponder. For example while getting dressed this morning i wondered how a tomato plant knows what shape to take when it grows. Not only a tomato plant but anything that grows. Why are fruit that shape why are we shaped the way we are. I know it has something to do with DNA and all that jazz but still why that specific shape. Anyway Yes Karl Pilkington is a strange yet brilliant man and i was happy with my pen tattoo. Not sure if id go as far as getting him permanently on my skin though.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Dracula 2 [PS1]

I was watching The Angry Nintendo Nerd and the Irate Gamer and though "hmm maybe i should review one of the shittest games i can possibly find in my room" so here it is, this is my review of the game Dracula 2 for PlayStation 1...

I can see how this game was spread out into two games. There is so much un-nessasary story line involved at the beginning. The graphics remind me of final fantasy games as they are the highest quality!But i don't understand why they are to the best quality :S I think its safe to say there's not many fan sites out there promoting this game and anyone with a decent amount of intelligence will stay away from this game at all cost and never ever make the mistake of buying it in the first place...This of course means i am an idiot.

All this amazing graphic worked must have blown the budget so shreds . Whoever made this is probably now an alcoholic and up to they're eye-balls in dept. Maybe they thought if the story line was good enough to grip me at the start i wouldn't notice the game contend...unfortunately this was not the case. In fairness it does look like it's going to be the best thing since final fantasy. All this mythical shit going on , the in depth characters , evil vampires , how realistic everything looks . You might say this game has it all. I'm afraid this is the height to the entire game, it's all down hill from here. So i press "New Game" and hope i haven't wasted my £6.50...i also hope that was the end of the story intro because it did start to drag on after a while.

Oh i spoke too soon.....more story line ...

So were introduced to nina and dr suit. Ninas been bitten by a vampire and we get a little intro of what happened in Vampire 1. This man is trying to save his girlfriend Nina from death and he wonders if it could have anything to do with some ring he picked up in the first game. I know i know this is all bollocks that makes no sense but don't shoot the messenger this is what it's telling me. Anyway eventually the story ends and the game begins.

So I'm outside a stereotypically spooky house with a very annoying howling wind sound effect. But wait a second....WHAT THE HELL! I'm not a person? There is nothing on the screen it does'nt even classify as first person. I'm this pathetic dot on the screen! Not exactly as realistic as i would have liked. Jesus Christ the camera angle isn't much better i feel like I'm looking at everything through fish eye or on google earth! It literally looks like there's a photograph in front of me instead of actual surrounding. Okay so the game has already reached rock bottom it can only get better from here. lets see how i walk. Right so i don't press forward? i press X to walk forward...but it takes me to a loading screen every time i walk forward 0_o Christ we will be here all damn day at this rate.

...a while later

So Ive managed to finally make it to the front door and in fairness the graphics could be allot worse. Considering this is a PlayStation 1 game . Right so how do i knock the door? Its going to be quite the challenge considering i don't have any hands. Lets take a look in my inventory maybe i have a key. Nope just some bullets...that's really gonna help as i have no gun and no body! Jesus Christ im stuck at the front door how in gods name do they expect me to know what i have to do. I put that dot on he door and a picture of a cog appears. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?! Wait.....okay now there's a key and a gun in my inventory....that wasn't there before was it? Well that's spooky, Anyway i have the damn key now lets open the door it's freezing out here. *shitty door opening sound effect* *yet another loading screen* And we are Finaly in the house...

Hmmm well this looks just lovely. Again very typical, you can probably imagine what the inside looks like just imagine Casper's house without Casper and you have it. So lets take a look around everythings looking a bit fish eye as usual But the graphics aren't too bad. Looks like the only way to go is up the stairs so up we go. I cant image any enemies being around i mean how the hell will i attack them. This must be the most stupid way to explore a haunted house, I have to literally wait for it to load if i want to take a step forward. Who came up with this? i don't see why they couldn't have taken the time to create a character and have him walk around, They took enough bloody time with the story intro but when it comes down to the actual game nooooo they have to be as low budget as possible . I'm not even scared because if anything was going to attack me I'd probably be aware of it in advance as there would be a loading screen every time someone took a step closer to me.

Okay well Ive come across another door. God help me if this one needs a key. No i didn't need one and if found another dull empty room where i probably have to find objects.

So i seem to have found a werewolf...hes just standing there....looking at me 0_o
So what do i do out stare him? Hes not doing anything ! How do i even know hes a bad werewolf? Okay better wap out my gun. So i point the gun at the werewolf and shoot. Still nothing happens he just stands there. His life goes down but it just goes back up again ! WHAT THE HELL! Jesus Christ i give up. This is as far as i have ere managed to get in this game and as far as i ever will get. The decent thing to do would be to smash it to pieces then bury the pieces to make sure nobody will ever have to play it again...I hate this game

Thursday 29 April 2010

Well it's been another week off college insanity running around like a headless chicken trying to paint that sketch this and find information about famous artists GAAAH!! I've even tried to make every page "visually exciting" for dear Gillian.(my tutor) Basically Ive wapped loads of paint onto a page and dragged a knife through it...yes a knife. Modern art... i don't get it either. I don't think anyone actually looks at my sketches anymore. As long as the background is filled with bright colores and tissue it's fine. So Who exactly is marking this work? A 5 year old?

At the moment I'm watching Gordan having a bash at Dave Cameron. I should be really be reserching Japanese wood cut prints for print making class but i have to wait for the paint to dry first. Besides Gordon is much more fascinating...

I was happily painting away when i get a phone call from some arse hole from "da hood".

Hannah: Hello?

Hoodie: Bonjore

Hannah: Uh...hello

Hoodie: bonjor you fucking prick...*hangs up*

Hannah: 0_o

In fairness i did prank call his girlfriend pretending to be from Sweden then phoning her back pretending to be a french pedophile. I suppose i deserved that. I love how he came on the phone last week and goes

"i know where you fucking live, yeah! i'm gonna come over there and bash you in, yeah!"

Course he will

Me being a gimp i didn't hide my number when i rang him so i get the odd phone call now and again.
*face palm*

*looks at the TV*

Hmm Gordon browns not a happy bunny he's shaking his head in disapproval. Is it me or does David Cameron and nick Cleg look like the same person. Times like this that i miss Obama...

Sunday 18 April 2010

Saturday 10 April 2010

Jesus it's the 10th of April already? Ive been having very strange dreams recently. Like the night before last i dreamt that i went swimming in the river of the damned but i dident know it was the river of the damned i thought it was just a river. Anyway i get home and when i go to bed i see a huge bright orange and yellow light coming towards me, everything really blurry and i can make out too figures standing there but i have no idea who it is. Then there's this fuzzy white noise that comes on and t get louder and louder until its buzzing right inside my ears. I tell my parents " AAAAHHHH HELP ME THEY'RE GOING TO GET ME ITS THE ALIENS PLEASE YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING". At this point i was genuinely shit scared that i was going to die but my parents they just and say "Well doesn't look like there's allot we can do about that is there. So then I'm like "WTF THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME, PLEASE TAKE ME TO THE RIVER !!" The dream goes on like that for a while and i cant remember much else but i think i go back to the river and all these ghost find me and shit goes down!

Wednesday 7 April 2010


So i IMDB'd Christopher Mintz-Plasse after going to see Kick-Ass last week and came across Superbad. Never seen it before although I've heard of it so heck i may as wel watch it . I wasn't expecting it to be all that good, a typical stupid American comedy perhaps. What really appealed to me about this film was the lack of Adam Sandler. Without Adam sandler surely it cant be all that bad. Anyway i watched it and was quite surprised that it was actually funny. The story line was quite cute too. Awww they wuved each other ^_^. *cough* anyway yeah i likes the fact it actually had a story line in the first place like most of Adam Sandlers film tend to drone on about bollocks that you don't care about and you never understand whats going on! I'm sorry but he really is the most untalented "comedian" I've ever seen in the cinema, and I've seen twilight for Christ sake!

Allot of film critics go on about the fact there's not allot of audience for a film like this and adult wont go and see a film about teenagers. Isn't it mostly teenagers that go to the cinema anyway if they made a film a day in the life of a pensioner I'm sure they wouldn't get as many viewers. Apparently teenage girls don't enjoy this film either and the film is "marketed towards teen males" . I don't really agree with this because i know i enjoyed it. Twas a good film with lovable character's , good actors and a story line that kept you entertained so i recommend it.