Saturday 10 July 2010


Today i went into town to see the newest addition to the twilight saga , Eclipse. hmmm well my opinion wasn't very high because it was a cheese fest full of endless bullshit and depressingly slow dialog! I wasn't exactly blown over with excitement over the first two films but this really took the biscuit for shitest film. The whole thing was like watching a spoof and i could not take it seriously. I found myself laughing at how poorly acted and directed the film was and also at Jasper's new found accent.(i swear he didn't have that accent before) After watching the film and reading the book i couldn't tell you what happened at all in the story plot. There was nothing really of importance or anything remotely interesting that happened through the 2 hours of footage.

This whole love triangle isn't very realistic. Why cant she just find someone who is not a mythological creature and stick with him. If not that at least stay with Edward! There's no need to be a total whore about it and fall in love with a werewolf as well. (Even if that werewolf is impossibly clingy) Why did she randomly make out with jacob? Was there any need for that? Was that proving anything? Helllo!!! your going out with Edward and hes standing right there! What's wrong with you!

To be honest it doesn't seem like Bella knows what she wants. shes against the idea of marriage then she wants to get married . She loves her family and life but she wants to be a vampire. She loves Jacob yet she loves Bella. Maybe it would be a good idea for her to take a nice long break away from everyone and clear her head before she makes any rash decisions like being murdered then turned into a vampire...just a suggestion. Personally i wouldn't pick either of them. They're both more trouble than they're worth!

Despite hating this film with a burning Passion and forcing myself to read the books , twilight has always given me something to laugh about. Mostly the cliche things Edward comes out with make me giggle the most. I also quite like jasper , Rosalie and Alice as characters. They are the most interesting characters in the whole thing and i think the films should look more on they're story's instead of going on and on about the unconvincing romance of Bella and Edward. Who actually cares!!

So this is supposed to be a must see for people who have grown up watching potter? This is what twi-hards are saying beats potter? Stephanie meyer is a better writer than J.K Rowling? *laughs unconvincingly loud* Dear me, I'm afraid there is no competition. I do feel even the  potter films reach the top of the cheese meter at points but at least you get a warm hearted feeling and develop a  love for the characters. I bloody hate the twilight characters, especially Bella as she constantly has a look of concern on her face...even at happy moments. So yeah sorry but twilight is a very big phase that will eventually pass while potter will be passed down to generation after generation and remembered for years to come.

Oh well maybe i didn't waste my £5 and sit through a painless 2 hour film for nothing. At least i got to see an advert for Leonardo Di caprio's new film, Inception. Now that's what I'm talking about!

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